Hi, I’m McKesur!

Have you ever met the girl from a very small town with BIG dreams? 

Dreams of becoming a household name one day. 

Dreams of having a platform that would allow her to help women on an international scale.

Dreams of becoming a business owner of a conglomerate of businesses.

Dreams of living her purpose unapologetically. 

If you haven’t met that girl, you have now!  I didn’t know anyone who was doing what I dreamed of doing, and I didn’t know how to get there or where to start.  I did what most parents teach their kids to do, and I went to college.  As I began to interview for jobs, I realized one small detail.  I realized I didn’t want to travel the necessary roads to get me to my ultimate goal of becoming a fashion designer.  At that time, I didn’t know there were multiple ways to arrive at the same destination.  

After spending more than 20 years in Corporate America acquiring skills as a trainer, a leader and a coach, one thing remained the same, I still wanted to help women.  Initially, I wasn’t sure what that would look like.  After many years of praying and asking God to reveal His purpose for my life, He finally revealed that coaching and speaking were the vehicles He intended for me to use to help women.

As you can imagine, a lot of decisions had been made over those years prior to God revealing my purpose, and a lot of them were NOT good decisions.  I didn’t know God would use those bad decisions as my WHY for coaching and speaking to women and teenage girls.  Many of our kids today are having to deal with parental abandonment, bullying, a lack of self-confidence, a lack of self-acceptance, depression and anxiety. Unfortunately, many of those girls grow up to be women who never reconcile some or all of those feelings from their childhood, and it creates a series of bad relationship decisions.  I understand what it feels like to live with those emotions as as child and as an adult.  After being twice divorced, I had to do a self-assessment of who I was and who I wanted to be.

I had to do the work over time to change my mindset and negative self-talk about relationships and marriage, and I had to hold myself accountable for my decisions.  As a Certified Life Coach, I help women do the same work. I coach them on their journey of self-forgiveness, self-love, healing and owning the power of their voice.   Once they transform their lives by doing the work, they’re then prepared to make better relationship decisions going forward.

I am here as your sister in love to walk through your journey with you!