Work With Me

One-on-One Coaching

McKesur talking to client
McKesur knows healing doesn’t happen overnight. Most people want to change, but they do not know what to change or how to change it. They feel stuck, and they struggle to have a lasting change. 
McKesur believes healing starts with knowing ourselves at all our depths and accepting the responsibility to do the healing work so all other relationships will be established from a healthy relationship with self. 
McKesur is passionate about helping clients build self-confidence, strength, and healthy boundaries. Through coaching, McKesur believes anything is possible as long as the client is totally committed to taking action and moving forward. As your coach, she will be there to support you on your journey of healing while you do the work.

Discovery Coaching Session

McKesur looking at phone
Have you asked yourself “What is a Life Coach?” “How can a Life Coach help me?”
I would love to spend 15 minutes with you for us to discuss how I can help you. During this 15 minute complimentary Discovery Session, we will determine if this a mutually ideal coaching relationship.

What will we discuss during this Discovery Session?

  • What do you want to establish, change or accomplish while working with a coach?
  • What successes or learning opportunities have you already experienced in working towards your goal?
  • How I can support you on your journey of becoming who you know yourself to be.

Strategy Coaching Session

McKesur sitting at desk with phone and smile
There are times when you know where you want to go and who you want to become, but you haven’t quite figured out how to get there. You know you want a coach, but you’re not sure if you’re ready to invest in yourself for eight 60 minute virtual coaching sessions. McKesur’s Strategy Coaching Session may be what you’re looking for at this stage in your journey.

This 60-minute virtual Strategy Coaching Session will help you gain clarity and understanding on how you can confidently move forward and make a decision in an area of your life that’s been in limbo, or it will give you the push you need to accomplish a goal you’ve been working on.